Quality Systems

MPS Pharmaa Limited (formerly Advik Laboratories LImited) is equipped with latest instruments. Strict quality control is exercised to monitor various quality checks of raw materials, excipients, packing materials, semi-finished goods & finished goods.

The name of the company has been changed from Advik Laboratories Limited” to “MPS Pharmaa Limited” by the Registrar of Companies, NCT of Delhi & Haryana with effect from 13.12.2022.

The manufacturing processes & batch manufacturing methods are validated by an independent Quality Assurance Department. In addition we have elaborate Standard Operating Procedures for all our processes.

MPS Pharmaa Limited has been set up from the ground level with the avowed objective of achieving USFDA standards of quality.

MPS Pharmaa Limited a WHO GMP Certified Company, follows the GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES recommended by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION and constantly makes effort to improve upon them.

In addition the company is undergoing expansion to meet the provisions of UK - MCA.

MPS Pharmaa Limited provides pharmaceutical formulations that matches the international standards of quality.